Nokia OVI Browser V1.0 (Java)

Nokia OVI Browser V1.0 (Java) Build0055 release download. OVI is a browser, Tencent produced to provide technical support for the latest Nokia Internet surfing tool. Which browser is the navigation system in succession Tencent habits on the basis of its own operations, according to the individual needs of particular Nokia mobile phone platform to create customized products. He designed the interactive experience,

the simple and clear visual interface designed for all kinds of Nokia users quickly import, so that you can very easily distinguished download. Customization, speed, flow province, quick is the main feature of this software. download Nokia OVI Browser V1.0

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2 komentar: on "Nokia OVI Browser V1.0 (Java)"

Ryan said... ( Balas Komentar)

Alow boz. Kunjungan perdana nih, mantap boz..!

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